General Mills Kit Kat Cereal

I saw this at Target when I was over the border a few weeks ago and I had to buy a box to try. Cracking the box open you're hit with predominately cocoa with undertones of wafer cookies. If that didn't foreshadow the taste of the cereal I don't know what else could. This cereal was fine, and thinking about its delivery, I don't know how else they could've designed it. It literally just tastes like chocolate wafer cookies, it starts to get a bit soggy midway through as it is a wheat/rice based cereal which tend to take in milk/liquids quicker than their corn counterparts. I do like that they had the cereal 'segmented' into 4 like the iconic Kit Kat bars, but the cereal left me wanting something else. It was something to buy once, but if you're having a chocolate cereal craving, just go for the Nesquik. And despite the cereal being covered in cocoa, the milk hardly takes on the flavour. I really wish there could be more to be said about this cereal, but a Kit Kat it is not. What separated Kit Kats from other wafer bars was the amount of chocolate found on them, and as I stated earlier quite a difficult task to replicate. Perhaps instead of replicating the look of the Kit Kat, they could have tried to fill the cereal with chocolate to replicate the taste, but in this superficial world what else can we expect than this superficial cereal.
Aroma 2/5
Colour 3/5
Packaging 4/5
Flavour 2/5
Lasting Crunch 3/5
Post Cereal Milk 2/5
Overall 2.67/5