Monday, 17 July 2023

Post Honey Oh's!

Post Honey Ohs!

Cracking open the box you get a mild honey scent emanating from what lies inside. These giant Oh's are about the same size as the Oreo O's which makes sense as they're both made by Post so using the same manufacturing process just different recipe would be the most economical decision for them. I would have to say texturally they are slightly different, but I don't have a side by side comparison to confirm this. By different, I mean that Honey Oh's bring some serious crunch. Throughout the experience, bite after bite this cereal delivers on the crunch. This cereal is airy, crunchy, crispy, and in the middle in terms of sweetness not crazy sweet like fruity pebbles, but not like some cereal devoid of all happiness like Trader Joe's Almond Butter Puffs cereal (I tried it recently and was so disappointed I didn't want to do a review as I didn't have a box or picture of the cereal, but I might consider it just as a public service to warn you all). The little bits of puffed rice and oats are a nice touch to add into the centre of the Oh's, but unlike the picture on the box not every Oh is filled with this mix. Nearing the end of the bowl, surprisingly the texture is still there and you're left with this cereal milk with a golden hue. Drinking it feels like dessert, to put simply it's honey flavoured milk. Not overly sweet either and a good way to finish off the bowl. Overall I'd say that this is a cereal I'm not crazy about, but it isn't a cereal that you'd be disappointed to have in your cupboards. If you're big on texture, and lasting texture then this might be something for you.

Aroma 3/5
Colour 4/5
Packaging 3/5
Flavour 3/5
Lasting Crunch 5/5
Post Cereal Milk 4/5
Overall 3.67/5

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